These are my solutions to the Advent of Code 2024 challenges. I am a data scientist, not a computer scientist, so I approach these from that point of view. That means I’ll be working mostly (pretty much exclusively) in Python for these challenges, and that they will rely on linear algebra and array operations a lot of the time, and won’t necessarily be the best code-implemented solutions for these challenges. It’s just a fun thing to do, don’t take it too seriously. Jupyter notebook and inputs available in the GitHub repo.

1 December 1

# part 1
import numpy as np
with open("inputs/input1.txt") as file:
    lines = [line.strip("\n").split() for line in file.readlines()]

lines = np.array(lines).astype("int64")
left = lines[:, 0]
right = lines[:, 1]

ordered = np.vstack([

difs = np.abs(ordered[:, 0] - ordered[:, 1])
## 3574690
# part 2
mults = []
for num in ordered[:, 0]:
    right_occs = sum(ordered[:, 1] == num)
mults = np.array(mults)
print(sum(mults * ordered[:, 0]))
## 22565391

2 December 2

# part 1
import numpy as np

def is_safe(report):
    n = report[0]
    difs = []
    for num in report[1:]:
        difs.append(n - num)
        n = num
    difs = np.array(difs)
    if sum(difs > 0) != len(difs) and sum(difs < 0) != len(difs):
        return False
    if sum(np.abs(difs) >= 1) == len(difs) and sum(np.abs(difs) <= 3) == len(difs):
        return True
    return False

with open("inputs/input2.txt") as file:
    reports = [line.strip("\n").split() for line in file.readlines()]

safety_vec = []
for report in reports:
    for i in range(len(report)):
        report[i] = int(report[i])
## 631
# part 2
from itertools import combinations
def pd_is_safe(report):
    combs = combinations(report, len(report) - 1)
    subsafeties = [is_safe(comb) for comb in combs]
    return True in subsafeties

safety_vec2 = []
for report in reports:
## 665

3 December 3

# part 1
import re
import numpy as np

def find_multiply(garbled_str):
    mults = re.findall(r"mul\([0-9]+,[0-9]+\)", garbled_str)
    nums = np.array([re.findall(r"[0-9]+", mult) for mult in mults]).astype("int64")
    product = nums[:, 0] * nums[:, 1]
    return sum(product)

with open("inputs/input3.txt") as file:
    lines = [line.strip("\n") for line in file.readlines()]
total = "".join(lines)
## 187825547
# part 2
def find_multiply_conditional(garbled_str):
    instructions = re.findall(r"mul\([0-9]+,[0-9]+\)|do\(\)|don't\(\)", garbled_str)
    act = True
    valid_instructions = []
    for instruction in instructions:
        if instruction == "don't()":
            act = False
        elif instruction == "do()":
            act = True
        elif act:
    nums = np.array([re.findall(r"[0-9]+", mult) for mult in valid_instructions]).astype("int64")
    product = nums[:, 0] * nums[:, 1]
    return sum(product)

## 85508223

4 December 4

# part 1
import numpy as np
with open("inputs/input4.txt") as file:
    ltr_grid = np.array([[letter for letter in line.strip("\n")] for line in file.readlines()])

def get_vecs(start, grid_dims):
    change_vec = np.array([1, 2, 3])
    row_vec = (np.ones(3) * start[0]).astype("int64")
    col_vec = (np.ones(3) * start[1]).astype("int64")
    up = list(zip(row_vec - change_vec, col_vec))
    right = list(zip(row_vec, col_vec + change_vec))
    down = list(zip(row_vec + change_vec, col_vec))
    left = list(zip(row_vec, col_vec - change_vec))
    up_right = list(zip(row_vec - change_vec, col_vec + change_vec))
    down_right = list(zip(row_vec + change_vec, col_vec + change_vec))
    down_left = list(zip(row_vec + change_vec, col_vec - change_vec))
    up_left = list(zip(row_vec - change_vec, col_vec - change_vec))

    directions = [up, up_right, right, down_right, down, down_left, left, up_left]
    valid_directions = []
    for dir_set in directions:
        for i, (row, col) in enumerate(dir_set):
            if row < 0 or col < 0 or row >= grid_dims[0] or col >= grid_dims[1]:
                i = 0
        if i == 2:
    return valid_directions

def find_starts(grid, character):
    starts = []
    for i, row in enumerate(grid):
        for j, letter in enumerate(row):
            if letter == character:
                starts.append((i, j))
    return starts

starts = find_starts(ltr_grid, "X")
count = 0
for start in starts:
    vecs = get_vecs(start, ltr_grid.shape)
    # cursed triple list comprehension
    letters = ["".join(letterset) for letterset in [[ltr_grid[i, j] for i, j in vec] for vec in vecs]]
    count += letters.count("MAS")
## 2534
# part 2
def is_x_mas(position, grid):
    if position[0] - 1 < 0 or \
            position[0] + 1 >= grid.shape[0] or \
            position[1] - 1 < 0 or \
            position[1] + 1 >= grid.shape[1]:
        return False
    upleft = grid[position[0] - 1, position[1] - 1]
    upright = grid[position[0] - 1, position[1] + 1]
    downright = grid[position[0] + 1, position[1] + 1]
    downleft = grid[position[0] + 1, position[1] - 1]

    set1 = {upleft, downright}
    set2 = {upright, downleft}

    if set1 == {"S", "M"} and set1 == set2:
        return True
    return False

tfs = []
starts = find_starts(ltr_grid, "A")
for start in starts:
    tfs.append(is_x_mas(start, ltr_grid))
## 1866

5 December 5

# part 1
import numpy as np
with open("inputs/input5.txt") as file:
    lines = [line.strip("\n") for line in file.readlines()]
rules = np.array([line.strip("\n").split("|") for line in lines if "|" in line]).astype("int64")
updates = [[int(x) for x in line.strip("\n").split(",")] for line in lines if "|" not in line and len(line) != 0]

def get_afters(pgnum):
    return rules[rules[:, 0] == pgnum, 1]

def is_valid(update):
    for i, num in enumerate(update):
        afters = get_afters(num)
        for after in afters:
            if after in update[:i]:
                return False
    return True

valid_updates = [update for update in updates if is_valid(update)]
centers = [update[len(update) // 2] for update in valid_updates]
## 5762
# part 2: recursion!
invalid_updates = [update for update in updates if not is_valid(update)]

def correct_update(update):
    if is_valid(update):
        return update
    for i, num in enumerate(update):
        corrected = update
        afters = get_afters(num)
        for after in afters:
            if after in update[:i]:
                loc = update.index(after)
                #weird python thing allows me to slice beyond the indices of an array
                corrected = corrected[:loc] + [num] + corrected[loc:i] + corrected[i + 1:]
                return correct_update(corrected)

corrected = [correct_update(update) for update in invalid_updates]
centers = [update[len(update) // 2] for update in corrected]
## 4130

6 December 6

# part 1
import numpy as np
with open("inputs/input6.txt") as file:
    lines = np.array([[letter for letter in line.strip("\n")] for line in file.readlines()])

def chart_path(grid):
    pathed_grid = grid.copy()
    # let's recycle an older function here
    loc = list(find_starts(pathed_grid, "^")[0])
    sym = "^"
    while 0 < loc[0] < pathed_grid.shape[0] and 0 < loc[1] < pathed_grid.shape[1]:
            if sym == "^":
                if pathed_grid[loc[0] - 1, loc[1]] == "#":
                    sym = ">"
                    pathed_grid[loc[0], loc[1]] = "X"
                    loc[0] -= 1
            elif sym == ">":
                if pathed_grid[loc[0], loc[1] + 1] == "#":
                    sym = "v"
                    pathed_grid[loc[0], loc[1]] = "X"
                    loc[1] += 1
            elif sym == "v":
                if pathed_grid[loc[0] + 1, loc[1]] == "#":
                    sym = "<"
                    pathed_grid[loc[0], loc[1]] = "X"
                    loc[0] += 1
            elif sym == "<":
                if pathed_grid[loc[0], loc[1] - 1] == "#":
                    sym = "^"
                    pathed_grid[loc[0], loc[1]] = "X"
                    loc[1] -= 1
        except IndexError:
    pathed_grid[loc[0], loc[1]] = "X" # mark last position
    return pathed_grid

# recycle it again
pathed = chart_path(lines)
xs = find_starts(pathed, "X")
## 4819
# part 2
def is_looped(grid):
    loc = list(find_starts(grid, "^")[0])
    sym = "^"
    path_dict = {}
    while 0 < loc[0] < grid.shape[0] and 0 < loc[1] < grid.shape[1]:
        if tuple(loc) in path_dict and sym in path_dict[tuple(loc)]:
            return 1
        elif tuple(loc) in path_dict and sym not in path_dict[tuple(loc)]:
        elif tuple(loc) not in path_dict:
            path_dict[tuple(loc)] = [sym]
            if sym == "^":
                if grid[loc[0] - 1, loc[1]] == "#":
                    sym = ">"
                    loc[0] -= 1
            elif sym == ">":
                if grid[loc[0], loc[1] + 1] == "#":
                    sym = "v"
                    loc[1] += 1
            elif sym == "v":
                if grid[loc[0] + 1, loc[1]] == "#":
                    sym = "<"
                    loc[0] += 1
            elif sym == "<":
                if grid[loc[0], loc[1] - 1] == "#":
                    sym = "^"
                    loc[1] -= 1
        except IndexError:
    return 0

looped = []
possible_obstruction_locations = xs
for i, j in possible_obstruction_locations:
    mapcopy = lines.copy()
    if mapcopy[i, j] == "^":
    mapcopy[i, j] = "#"
## 1796

7 December 7

# part 1
with open("inputs/input7.txt") as file:
    calibrations = [line.strip("\n") for line in file.readlines()]
leftsides = [int(rule.split(":")[0]) for rule in calibrations]
rightsides = [[int(x) for x in rule.split(": ")[1].split()] for rule in calibrations]

def is_valid(left, right):
    if len(right) == 2:
        if left in [right[0] + right[1], right[0] * right[1]]:
            return True
            return False
        return is_valid(left, [right[0] + right[1]] + right[2:]) or \
            is_valid(left, [right[0] * right[1]] + right[2:])

valid_testvals = []
for left, right in zip(leftsides, rightsides):
    if is_valid(left, right):
## 1985268524462
# part 2
def is_valid2(left, right):
    if len(right) == 2:
        if left in [right[0] + right[1], right[0] * right[1], int(str(right[0]) + str(right[1]))]:
            return True
            return False
        return is_valid2(left, [right[0] + right[1]] + right[2:]) or \
            is_valid2(left, [right[0] * right[1]] + right[2:]) or \
            is_valid2(left, [int(str(right[0]) + str(right[1]))] + right[2:])

valid_testvals = []
for left, right in zip(leftsides, rightsides):
    if is_valid2(left, right):
## 150077710195188

8 December 8

# part 1
import numpy as np
from itertools import combinations

with open("inputs/input8.txt") as file:
    lines = np.array([[letter for letter in line.strip("\n")] for line in file.readlines()])

def get_sym_locs(grid):
    symlocs = (grid != ".").nonzero()
    symlocs = list(zip(symlocs[0], symlocs[1]))
    symset = set()
    for i, j in symlocs:
        symset = symset.union({grid[i, j]})
    symdict = {}
    for sym in symset:
        locs = (grid == sym).nonzero()
        locs = list(zip(locs[0], locs[1]))
        if len(locs) > 1:
            symdict[sym] = locs
    return symdict

def place_res(t1_loc, t2_loc, grid_dims):
    rise = t1_loc[0] - t2_loc[0]
    run = t1_loc[1] - t2_loc[1]
    pres_1 = [t1_loc[0] + rise, t1_loc[1] + run]
    pres_2 = [t1_loc[0] - rise, t1_loc[1] - run]
    pres_3 = [t2_loc[0] + rise, t2_loc[1] + run]
    pres_4 = [t2_loc[0] - rise, t2_loc[1] - run]
    possible_resonances = [pres_1, pres_2, pres_3, pres_4]
    resonances = [tuple(res) for res in possible_resonances\
                  if tuple(res) not in [t1_loc, t2_loc]\
                  and 0 <= res[0] < grid_dims[0] and 0 <= res[1] < grid_dims[1]]
    return resonances

def chart_resonance(tower_locs, grid_dims):
    pairs = list(combinations(tower_locs, 2))
    resonances = []
    for pair in pairs:
        resonances += place_res(pair[0], pair[1], grid_dims)
    return resonances

def map_res(grid):
    sym_locs = get_sym_locs(grid)
    res_locs = []
    for sym in sym_locs:
        charted = chart_resonance(sym_locs[sym], grid.shape)
        res_locs += charted
    return list(set(res_locs))

## 318
# part 2
def place_cascading_resonance(t1_loc, t2_loc, grid_dims):
    rise = t1_loc[0] - t2_loc[0]
    run = t1_loc[1] - t2_loc[1]
    resonances = []
    resloc = list(t1_loc)
    while 0 <= resloc[0] + rise < grid_dims[0] and 0 <= resloc[1] + run < grid_dims[1]:
        resloc[0] += rise
        resloc[1] += run
        if tuple(resloc) not in [t1_loc, t2_loc]:
    resloc = list(t1_loc)
    while 0 <= resloc[0] - rise < grid_dims[0] and 0 <= resloc[1] - run < grid_dims[1]:
        resloc[0] -= rise
        resloc[1] -= run
        if tuple(resloc) not in [t1_loc, t2_loc]:
    return list(set(resonances).union({t1_loc, t2_loc}))

def chart_cascading_resonance(tower_locs, grid_dims):
    pairs = list(combinations(tower_locs, 2))
    resonances = []
    for pair in pairs:
        resonances += place_cascading_resonance(pair[0], pair[1], grid_dims)
    return resonances

def map_cascading_res(grid):
    sym_locs = get_sym_locs(grid)
    res_locs = []
    for sym in sym_locs:
        charted = chart_cascading_resonance(sym_locs[sym], grid.shape)
        res_locs += charted
    return list(set(res_locs))

## 1126

9 December 9

# part 1
import numpy as np
import sys

with open("inputs/input9.txt") as file:
    disk_map = file.readlines()[0].strip("\n")

def image_disk(dmap):
    file_blocks = list(dmap[::2])
    space_blocks = list(dmap[1::2])
    return np.array(list(zip(range(len(file_blocks)), file_blocks, space_blocks))).astype("int64")

def compress(remaining_dimage, cur_state = []):
    if type(remaining_dimage) == type(""):
        remaining_dimage = image_disk(remaining_dimage)
    if remaining_dimage.shape[0] == 0:
        return cur_state
    if remaining_dimage.shape[0] == 1:
        file = remaining_dimage[0]
        cur_state += file[1] * [file[0]]
        return cur_state
        file = remaining_dimage[0]
        remaining_dimage = remaining_dimage[1:]
        packfile = remaining_dimage[-1]
        cur_state += file[1] * [file[0]]
        remaining_space = file[2]
        for i in range(remaining_space):
            cur_state += [packfile[0]]
            packfile[1] -= 1
            if packfile[1] == 0:
                remaining_dimage = remaining_dimage[:-1]
                if remaining_dimage.shape[0] == 0:
                packfile = remaining_dimage[-1]
        return compress(remaining_dimage, cur_state = cur_state)

def checksum(dmap):
    compressed_disk = compress(dmap)
    result = 0
    for i, num in enumerate(compressed_disk):
        result += i * num
    return result

## 6398608069280
# part 2
def build_disk(rep, image = True):
    if not image:
        dimage = image_disk(rep)
        dimage = rep
    disk = []
    for file in dimage:
        disk += file[1] * [file[0]]
        disk += file[2] * ["."]
    return np.array(disk)

def compress2(dimage, curfile = -1):
    if type(dimage) == type(""):
        dimage = image_disk(dimage)
    if curfile == -1:
        curfile = max(dimage[:, 0])
    if curfile == 0:
        return dimage
    packfile_index = (dimage[:, 0] == curfile).nonzero()[0][0]
    packfile_info = dimage[packfile_index]
    prefile_info = dimage[packfile_index - 1]
    for i, file in enumerate(dimage):
        if i >= packfile_index:
            return compress2(dimage, curfile - 1)
        if file[2] >= packfile_info[1]:
            prefile_info[2] += packfile_info[1] + packfile_info[2]
            packfile_info[2] = file[2] - packfile_info[1]
            file[2] = 0
            dimage = np.vstack([
                dimage[: i + 1],
                dimage[i + 1 : packfile_index],
                dimage[packfile_index + 1:]
            return compress2(dimage, curfile - 1)

def checksum2(dmap):
    compressed_image = compress2(dmap)
    compressed_built = build_disk(compressed_image)
    result = 0
    for i, num in enumerate(compressed_built):
        if num.isnumeric():
            result += i * int(num)
    return result

## 6427437134372